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Mockup of iphone screen showing the exercise page. From top to bottom, the page reads "Sumo Deadlift," "4 sets of 3-4 reps @ 2RIR." Underneath, there is a text box for typing in your results. Beneath that text box, there is a Comments section where the coach leaves the athlete messages. The first comment is from the coach, and it reads, "Yeah dude we definitely see the bar have pretty much no slack to start the lift and then explode into it. Let's work on establishing some more tension pulling up as the hips drop before we actually push with the quads too much. 465-470 next week." Beneath this comment, the athlete replies with the message, "Will definitely work on that. Gonna get that slack out!" The last comment is the coach simply saying "dope!"

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You shouldn't have to wait a week to hear from your coach. With online coaching from SoCal Powerlifting, you get guaranteed feedback on your workout within 24 hours or less. And thanks to TrueCoach, all your feedback stays organized with ease.

1-on-1 Video Feedback

Discuss training, progress, and optimizations.

Coaching doesn't happen over email. We close the distance with face-to-face video feedback that lets your coach go in-depth on your form and technique to give you the guidance you need.

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